Atarex recommends that you change your password quarterly, see our password maintenance page. Atarex also recommends that you learn about WebDAV, which replaces and extends FTP's usefulness.
Your FTP (File Transfer Protocol) login is:
What does this monsterous URL mean?
You can browse this URL in Netscape Communicator 4.x and Internet Explorer 4.x to see the FTP directory, but you can only upload files in Communicator (via drag and drop or File | Upload).
For full file maintenance, which is to say: to create, delete, rename, or move files and directories/folders, you'll need to use a full featured FTP client program with the information above.
FTP clients for the Mac: Fetch, Transfer, etc.
TIP: WebDAV is easy to use, extensible, and probably already on your desktop: take a look!